February 9th, 2021 Newsletter

February 9th, 2021 Newsletter

A Gift from Cosanti Originals is Love at First Sight
The E-Newsletter of Cosanti Originals
Artful, One-of-a-Kind Handmade Gifts

February 9, 2021 Volume 3
Photo Credit: Logan Glennie
Love Is in the Air...Literally!
Still "up in the air" and looking for that special Valentine's Day gift for someone special? Look no further than shopping the Cosanti Gallery in Paradise Valley!

Suspended from the distinctive architecture of Cosanti, you'll find dozens of handcrafted bronze and ceramic windbells and colorful rain chains "just hanging around."
Photo Credit: Jessica Jameson
Our Exquisite Jewelry Line Really Ups the Romance
He wondered if the one-of-a-kind pieces of the mobile could be scanned to make a mold and if it would be possible to cast limited editions. The more he thought about the possibilities with 3D scanning and printing, he realized that he might be able to even play with the scale of the pieces, enlarging or miniaturizing them. And soon the jewelry idea was born.

With a 3D printer he bought from Craigslist and an Xbox he modified to use as a scanner, Jason experimented, watched more videos, studied lost wax casting methods, and perfected his process. By 2017, with upgraded scanning and printing equipment, Jason had moved beyond prototypes to what today is a unique 100-piece line of sterling silver and brass jewelry based on the iconic windbells Cosanti Originals is known for.
Meet Jason Catlin: Talented Musician, Expressive Artist, Innovative Jewelry Designer
With a background in construction and an inclination toward creative pursuits like music and art, Jason Catlin joined the team of Cosanti Originals artisans eight years ago as a creator of bronze windbells. He continues to be inspired by the artistic freedom that artisans at Cosanti have. “The parameters are pretty broad, and we’re encouraged to explore new designs and experiment with different techniques. For an artist, what could be better?” says Jason.

It was this kind of creative license that led Jason to transition from being part of the foundry team to becoming Cosanti Originals’ jewelry designer. While putting together the elements of a complex sculptural bell mobile a few years ago, Jason was thinking of an online video he’d recently watched about 3D scanning.
Photo Credits: Jessica Jameson, Logan Glennie
Glint Condition
Bells in Burnished Bronze...So Beautiful
Wedding Windbell
No. 194BG

Like a bride and groom, the detailed cubist figures stand beside each other with expressions of quiet solemnity and joy as they embark on a shared life together.
Love Birds Windbell
No. 191LB

Wrapped in each other's arms, this passionate couple seems almost to be dancing with the graceful fluidity of two people very much in step and in love with one another.
Always in My Heart Windbell
No. 187RM

Surrounded in the warm embrace of a heart, three figures are smiling playfully and remind us of the sweet innocence of childhood and enduring bond of family.
The Technique

In addition to the beautiful and classic verdigris patina look to our iconic bronze windbells, our collectible bells are at their most festive in the luminous and iridescent burnished finish.

To achieve this lustrous look, the bell's surface is buffed with a coarse steel brush and superheated to the point when its pure, golden quality begins to shine through. Finally, to give the burnished bells their interesting coloration ranging from magenta and orange to blue and purple, the windbells are exposed to concentrated bursts of heat from a small torch.

Photo Credits: Tyler Cannata, Jessica Jameson